Friday, November 23, 2012

World – Czech National Bank publishes monthly Global Economic Outlook

Several hours ago the Czech National Bank published its Global Economic Outlook for the month of November.  (Data cut-off date: 16 November 2012.)  The report is authored by the Monetary and Statistics Department of the External Economic Relations Division, and is available in either English or Czech.

The November edition includes a focus article recapitulating the highlights of the annual meeting of the Institute of International Finance (IIF) held on 11-13 October in Tokyo, specifically 1) Japan in the global economy, 2) an introduction to the “PriceStats” index from MIT, which compiles daily inflation statistics based on data scraped from the Internet, and 3) a global outlook for economic activity in 2013 (and for some regions 2014 as well) by IIF Chief Economist Phillip Suttle.

For those looking for a very concise (18 pp.) summary of data and mainstream analysis/forecasts regarding GDP, inflation, and PMI in the major economies of the world (not including the Czech Republic itself), as well as interbank interest rates, exchange rates, and commodity prices, the monthly Global Economic Outlook is likely to prove extremely valuable. 

Mark Pleas
Eastern Europe Banking & Deposits Consultant