Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Serbia – Central bank to hold “Monetura” monetary policy game tournament on 5 December

The National Bank of Serbia (Народна банка Србије) will be holding a tournament of the board game “Monetura” at its headquarters on 5 December 2012.  Anyone between the age of 15 and 30 is eligible to participate, and the winner of the tournament will be awarded a prize (yet to be specified).

“Monetura”, short for “Monetarna avantura” (monetary adventure), is a board game developed by the National Bank of Serbia in 2010.  In the game, players take on the monetary role of central bank governors, competing to arrive at the finish line by keeping their individual monetary systems balanced between inflation and deflation while moving forward and drawing cards that deal them inflationary or deflationary inputs.  The game was developed by the National Bank as part of its educational outreach program, and to date various tournaments have been held at schools and universities around Serbia.

The upcoming tournament will be held at 12:00 on Wednesday, 5 December 2012, in Hall 6 of the National Bank of Serbia headquarters at 12 Kralja Petra Street, Belgrade.  Participation is open to persons between 15 and 30 years of age, and proceedings will be in Serbian.

To apply, send name, date of birth, telephone number, e-mail address, and occupation/education by 12:00 on 3 December to Ms. Aleksandra Zdravković of the Belgrade Youth Office (Kancelarija za mlade Grada Beograda) at  The first 20 qualified applicants will be accepted.  Although the tournament will begin with an explanation of the game, contestants are expected to familiarize themselves with the rules before their arrival.

News article with photo of game board: Društvena igra Monetura: Turnir u NBS (2012-11-27)
Official site, with game rules: Друштвена игра "Монетура” (2012-06-21)
Tournament announcement and application instructions: Turnir u društvenoj igri "Monetura" (2012-11-26)

Mark Pleas
Eastern Europe Banking & Deposits Consultant