Saturday, November 3, 2012

Russia – Central bank revokes license of community bank in Dagestan due to capital inadequacy and appoints interim administrators; deposit insurance fund opens payout case with first payouts due by 16 November

On 2 November 2012 the Central Bank of the Russian Federation revoked the license of TransEnergoBank LLC (ООО «Трансэнергобанк»), a small bank headquartered in Makhachkala, Dagestan, in the Northern Caucasus.  As justification for its decision the Central Bank stated that the bank’s capital adequacy ratio had fallen below the statutory limit of 2% and that the level of the bank’s own funds (equity) had fallen below the established minimum.

According to Art. 20 of the Federal Law on Banks and Banking Activities, the Central Bank is required to revoke a bank’s license in a number of cases, such as 1) if the capital adequacy ratio of the bank falls below 2%, and 2) if the amount of the bank’s own funds (equity) falls below the level of paid-in capital:

(as amended through 2012-07-28)

Статья 20. Основания для отзыва у кредитной организации лицензии на осуществление банковских операций


Банк России обязан отозвать лицензию на осуществление банковских операций в случаях:

1) если достаточность капитала кредитной организации становится ниже 2 процентов.

2) если размер собственных средств (капитала) кредитной организации ниже минимального значения уставного капитала, установленного на дату государственной регистрации кредитной организации. Указанное основание для отзыва лицензии на осуществление банковских операций не применяется к кредитным организациям в течение первых двух лет со дня выдачи лицензии на осуществление банковских операций;

For the various performance ratios mandated by banking regulations in Russia and the methods for calculating them, see Инструкция ЦБР № 110-И «Об обязательных нормативах банков».

In a possibly related development, it was revealed on the preceding day, 1 November, that the Interior Ministry Department of Dagestan was investigating the head of one of the bank’s branches for having allegedly submitted false documents in order to obtain 4.26 bln RUB in funds, ostensibly for potential loans to individuals.

According to the database of the Central Bank, TransEnergoBank LLC was founded in 1994, and since 11 August 2011 has had paid-in capital of 300 mln RUB (€ 7.4 mln).  As of 1 October 2012 the bank had the following levels of deposits and loans (1 EUR = 40.3943 RUB):

Amount in rubles

 - by physical persons:

Demand deposits
Maturity 31-90 days
Maturity 91-180 days
Maturity 181 days to 1 year
Maturity 1 year to 3 years


 - to non-commercial organizations owned by state governments rather than federal gov’t

Maturity 1 year to 3 years
 - to physical persons

Maturity 1 year to 3 years
Maturity > 3 years

·   TransEnergoBank’s website:
·   Copy of bank’s certification of participation in the deposit insurance system as of 10 February 2005:

In a separate order, on 2 November the Central Bank appointed an interim administration for the bank until such time as a court may determine the bank to be in bankruptcy and bankruptcy proceedings may be initiated.  The interim administration will be headed by Ardaev Kamil Maksimovich, chief economist for the licensing of credit institutions at the Office for Banking Supervision of the National Bank of the Republic of Dagestan, Bank of Russia.

Finally, on 2 November the Deposit Insurance Agency (Агентство по страхованию вкладов) recognized an insured event in the case of TransEnergoBank, and initiated procedures for effectuating payouts.  Payouts will begin within two weeks, i.e., no later than 16 November 2012, but before the payments begin the Agency will post on its website and publish in the local press information about where, when, and how claims can be presented.  Because TransEnergoBank was a member of the deposit insurance scheme (registration no. 621), all deposits by individuals are insured at 100% up to a maximum of 700,000 RUB (€ 17,330).  Amounts that are not compensated by the insurance scheme will be repaid in the first stage of the liquidation of the bank.

Mark Pleas
Eastern Europe Banking & Deposits Consultant