Friday, November 29, 2013

Russia – Officer of RosDorBank arrested on suspicion of extortion

On the morning of 28 November 2013, police of the Interior Ministry for the Central Federal District in Moscow issued a press release stating that the first deputy CEO of an unnamed bank (первый заместитель председателя правления банка), as well as the general director of an unnamed leasing company related to the bank, had been arrested in Moscow on suspicion of extortion and receiving illegal remuneration on a large scale.

The police press release stated that searches had revealed that the two individuals had used the bank’s name under false pretenses in order to extort a total of RUB 8,200,000 (USD 247,000).  When an individual businessman, promised by the bank a commission of RUB 24,000,000 in exchange for intermediating for the bank in the buying and selling of office space in Moscow worth RUB 219,000,000, attempted to claim his commission, he was reportedly threatened by the two officers, being told that if he did not give them RUB 8,200,000 out of his RUB 24,000,000 commission, not only would he lose his commission but the RUB 219,000,000 would not be transferred to the receiver, a leasing company, causing the leasing company to go bankrupt.  The individual businessman contacted the police, and when he met the general director of the leasing company to hand over the extorted money, the general director was arrested immediately, and the first deputy CEO of the bank soon afterward.

Within an hour of the police press release, RIA Novosti, citing an anonymous source in law enforcement, identified the bank as RosDorBank.  RosDorBank (ОАО «РосДорБанк») is the shortened form of the name Russian Joint-Stock Commercial Roads Bank («Российский акционерный коммерческий дорожный банк» (открытое акционерное общество)), one of the first commercial banks in Russia, opened in 1991 to finance road construction.  As of 1 November 2013 the bank ranked #211 out of 867 commercial banks operating in Russia by assets, with net assets (after provisions) of RUB 14.92 bln (USD 465 mln).

Later in the same morning investigative authorities revealed that the two individuals had been released on bail.  By early afternoon the press had noted that the website of RosDorBank identifies its first deputy CEO as Aleksey V. Vinogradov (Алексей Викторович Виноградов).  That same day, however, RosDorBank issued a press release confirming the arrest of the manager of its risk department, Vladimir V. Podlipnov (Владимир Владимирович Подлипнов), but denying the arrest of the First Deputy CEO Vinogradov, noting that Vinogradov was present at work.

The manager of the risk department, Podlipnov, was one of five persons on the bank’s management board.  His profile has since been removed from the “Management” page of the RosDorBank’s website, but is still available in Google cache, and is reproduced below.

Below is an image of the profile data given for Podlipnov in the cached copy of the English version of the page:

Later on 28 November a video was published showing the arrest of one of the suspects and the finding of a large amount of cash inside his Lada car:

Video of arrest, with finding of money in car
(click to open page, scroll down to start video)

Police have asked for citizens affected by the activities of the detainees or who have any information about their illegal activities to contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District at 6 Shabolovka Street, Moscow, or telephone 8 (499) 764-51-36.

In a noted earlier case, in May 2013 the CEO of Russia’s 9th-largest bank, Rosbank (ОАО АКБ «Росбанк»), Vladimir Golubkov (Владимир Голубков) was arrested for accepting bribes, and the bank’s Senior Vice President, Tamara Polyanitsyna (Тамара Поляницына), was arrested for complicity in bribery.

RosDorBank press release: Пресс-релиз (2013-11-28)
RosDorBank website – Bank management: Правление Банка
Bank’s ranking by net assets as of 2013-11-01: Рэнкинги банков

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