Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Estonia – IMF mission concludes visit, judges Estonia’s banks to be “profitable, liquid, and well capitalized” but suggests authorities institute loan-to-value and loan-to-income limits for mortgages

On 18 March a mission from the International Monetary Fund concluded a visit to Estonia and published a concluding statement in Tallinn.  Below are reproduced verbatim the sections of the statement that touch on the banking sector.


3. Risks to the outlook for 2013 will largely be on the downside. The risks stem primarily from a prolonged period of slow growth in the euro area. With two-thirds of Estonia’s exports going to the EU, delays in the euro area recovery could slow exports, weaken the labor market, reduce household’s ability to service their loans, and potentially hurt the quality of bank assets. The unwinding of past real and financial sector imbalances would be more protracted and weigh on domestic demand. Financial spillovers could emerge in the event of a sharp resurgence of global financial market volatility. Alternatively, faster-than-expected euro area recovery or unexpected export resilience would boost growth. In this case, continued labor market strength could fuel wage and price pressures.


Advancing Financial Sector Robustness

9. Estonia’s financial sector has continued to strengthen and, while risks remain, these are mitigated by improving balance sheets and prudential positions. Banks have remained profitable, liquid, and well capitalized despite extensive write-offs that have cut in half non-performing loans. In addition, rapidly growing domestic deposits have resulted in a record low loan-to-deposit ratio. Risks on the domestic side stem mostly from variable-interest mortgage loans tied to the six-month Euribor. Externally, a significant share of Estonian banks’ funding consists of foreign financing, which could be potentially volatile. Risks nonetheless appear manageable. At present, markets expect interest rates to remain low, while improved corporate and household debt-equity ratios and a strong labor market have raised the private sector’s capacity to service its debt. Finally, parent-banks’ funding of Estonian subsidiaries reflects a strategic commitment to highly profitable investments.

10. Macro-prudential policies can help further reduce risks. In tandem with parent supervisors and following relevant EU-level regulations, the timely adoption of the capital and liquidity provisions of the Capital Requirement Directive IV would enhance Estonia’s financial sector resilience. This would not unduly constrain banks’ margins or credit to the economy since Estonian banks already meet or exceed the likely requirements. In view of the prevalence of short-term variable interest rate-linked mortgages, the authorities should also consider introducing ceilings on loan-to-value and loan-to-income ratios to reduce exposure to housing market developments and downside risks. Regarding the institutional structure, the central bank’s macro-prudential authority and existing tri-party (Eesti Pank, MoF, and FSA) forums can be further clarified and strengthened—in line with the European Systemic Risk Board’s recommendations—to advance the monitoring of systemic risks and limit potential fallout.

11. Deeper cross-border prudential arrangements can also enhance financial stability in Estonia. Over the years, Estonia and other Baltic nations have, together with their Nordic counterparts, developed an effective regional supervision framework underpinned by cooperation agreements and the establishment of the Nordic-Baltic Stability Group and Macroprudential Forum. Ongoing work has appropriately focused on establishing a burden-sharing mechanism and a common database for financial groups, as well as on preparing for cross-border crises simulations. In conjunction with EU-level initiatives, these efforts should move ahead by implementing key elements of the framework, notably by defining criteria for burden sharing.

12. The EU banking union would further Estonia’s financial stability in coordination with long-standing close Nordic-Baltic cooperation arrangements. The banking union can bolster financial soundness throughout the EU. In this regard, progress has been made in establishing a single supervisory mechanism (SSM), which will place Estonia’s two largest banks under the direct supervision of the ECB. Additional efforts are however needed to clarify the role and powers of the Estonian authorities in this context, including in supervisory colleges and with regards to the exchange of confidential information. As the SSM and other elements of the banking union go forward, particular attention will be needed to avoid disrupting existing Nordic-Baltic supervisory arrangements.


Video of press conference

Original text in English from IMF website: Estonia – 2013 Article IV Consultation: Concluding Statement of the IMF Mission (2013-03-18)
Estonian version of text from website of the Bank of Estonia (Eesti Pank): Rahvusvahelise Valuutafondi 2013. aasta artikkel IV konsultatsioon. Esialgsed järeldused (2013-03-18)
Video of press conference: IMFi visiidi pressikohtumine - 18.03.2013 (length: 45:33)

Mark Pleas
Eastern Europe Banking & Deposits Consultant