Thursday, December 27, 2012

Serbia – Ministry of Finance extends deadline for privatization bids for Privredna Banka; Central bank begins publishing official interest rates for borrowers in arrears

On 27 December the Serbian government, the Ministry of Finance and Economy, and the Deposit Insurance Agency (Агенција за осигурање депозита) together announced an extension of the deadline for the submission of expressions of interest for the recapitalization, merger, or sale of shares of the commercial bank “Privredna banka a.d. Beograd” (Привредна банка Београд а.д. Београд).  The original call for expressions of interest, issued on 10 December, had a deadline of 27 December at 14:00, but a renewed call issued on 25 December moved the deadline to 31 December at 12:00.  The extension published today, granted in order to allow more bidders to participate, moves the deadline to 15 January 2013 at 14:00.

Privredna Banka Beograd, founded in 1972 as a branch of Privredna Banka Sarajevo and operating independently since 1978, as of 31 October was owned by the government of Serbia (64.80%) and 2,170 minority shareholders.  As of 30 September its total assets were 29.325 bln RSD (0.94% of the commercial banking sector in Serbia) its total deposits were 17.664 bln RSD, and its total loans were 17.791 bln RSD. (1 EUR = 115.032 RSD on 30 Sept.).  The bank had losses in 2009, 2010, and 2010 (331 mln, 152 mln, and 790 mln RSD, respectively), so that in March 2012 the government was required to recapitalize it with an infusion of 1.992 bln RSD, becoming the major shareholder of the bank.

Unaudited financial statements for 3Q 2012: Nerevidirani finansijski izveštaj sa 30.09.2012. godine. (2012-10-21)
Financial statements for earlier periods: Биланс стања и успеха

In other news, on 25 December the National Bank of Serbia (Народна банка Србије – NBS) published for the first time a list of official interest rates – for the Serbian dinar as well as 17 other currencies – that will apply on arrears from borrowers who default on financial obligations.  The publication of these interest rates by the central bank is mandated by the new Law on the Default Interest Rate (Закон о затезној камати), which was passed by the parliament on 15 December, published in the Official Gazette (Службени гласник Републике Србије, број 119/2012) on 17 December, and entered into force eight days later on 25 December.

As specified in the Law, the “interest rate for defaults” is simply equal to the main refinancing rate used by each central bank (e.g., “reference rate”, “base rate”, “federal funds rate”) plus 8.00% (800 basis points).  Thus the rate for the Serbian dinar is 19.25% (11.25% + 8%), the rate for the euro is 8.75% (0.75% + 8%), and the rate for the British pound is 8.50% (0.50% + 8%).

Table of official rates published by NBS: Стопе затезне камате (2012-12-25)
Law on the Default Interest Rate: Закон о затезној камати (2012-12-15) – PDF, DOC

Mark Pleas
Eastern Europe Banking & Deposits Consultant