Saturday, October 27, 2012

Cyprus – Central Bank of Cyprus releases financial statistics for September 2012

On 25 October the Central Bank of Cyprus (Κεντρική Τράπεζα της Κύπρου) published statistics for the month of September regarding deposits and loans at Monetary Financial Institutions (“MFIs”, i.e., credit institutions) as well as sales of treasury bills and government-registered development securities (Κρατικά Ονοµαστικά Χρεόγραφα Αναπτύξεως – KOXA).  Here are the most significant points concerning bank deposits:

·      Outstanding deposits held in Japanese yen fell 20.0% over one month, from a total (converted into euros) of € 11.84 mln in August to a total of € 9.46 mln in September.  (Due to the relatively small amounts involved, such month-to-month volatility in yen holdings has been rather common over the last 12 months.)
·       In the 12 months from October 2011 through 2012, outstanding MFI bank deposits held by Cyprus’s central government fell by 57.6% (€ 357.84 mln → € 151.69 mln), while outstanding deposits held by domestic and foreign insurance corporations and pension funds grew by 21.4% (€ 3,786.45 mln → € 4,595.60 mln).
·     In the 12 months from October 2011 through 2012, outstanding deposits by non-Cyprus euro-area households initially grew 30.6%, from € 4,142.00 mln in October 2011 to € 5,408.69 mln in June 2012, but subsequently declined 9.6% to reach € 4,935.19 mln in September 2012.
·     Information on interest rates on deposits and loans in September is not due to be released until 1 November 2012.  Nevertheless, deposit interest rates as of August had remained surprisingly constant for several months, with the interest rate on new term deposits by households/NPISHs of maturity > 1 year and ≤ 2 years being 4.71%, and the interest rate on new term deposits by non-financial corporations of maturity ≤ 1 year being 4.14%.

Mark Pleas
Eastern Europe Banking & Deposits Consultant