Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Bulgaria – National Bank announces base interest rate for November 2012, releases bank balance sheets and income statements for September 2012

On 31 October the Bulgarian National Bank (Българска народна банка - БНБ) announced its base interest rate (Основен лихвен процент) for November 2012.  The rate will be 0.04% p.a., a slight increase from 0.03% in October and a return to the rate of 0.04% that applied in September.

Historical table of base interest rate since 1991: Основен лихвен процент

N.B.: The National Bank’s base interest rate has been below 1% continuously since November 2009 and below 0.25% continuously since February 2010, but the impact on interest rates of this loose money policy – essentially a zero-interest-rate policy (ZIRP) – is far from clear, since the highest interest rates currently available in Bulgaria for 12-month time deposits of € 1,000 or equivalent are as follows:

EUR: 6.00%
USD: 4.20%
GBP: 4.50%
CHF: 2.60%
BGN (Bulgarian leva, pegged to the euro since 1999): 6.90%

On 31 October the National Bank also published monthly balance sheets and income statements for all 31 commercial banks operating in Bulgaria, both banks incorporated in Bulgaria and branches of foreign banks.  Under the heading “Attracted funds” – “Deposits”, the banks receiving the largest amounts of new deposits in September in each category were as follows:

Category of deposit
Largest amount
(in BGN)
Bank achieving largest amount
By credit institutions (i.e., banks), in BGN
UniCredit Bulbank AD
By credit institutions (i.e., banks), in EUR
Alpha Bank S.A. - Bulgaria Branch
By credit institutions (i.e., banks), in other currencies
Corporate Commercial Bank AD
By institutions other than credit inst., in BGN
UniCredit Bulbank AD
By institutions other than credit inst., in EUR
UniCredit Bulbank AD
By institutions other than credit inst., in other currencies
UniCredit Bulbank AD*
By individuals and households, in BGN
By individuals and households, in EUR
First Investment Bank
By individuals and households, in other currencies
UniCredit Bulbank AD
*Corporate Commercial Bank AD came in very close at 2nd place with 199,786

Mark Pleas
Eastern Europe Banking & Deposits Consultant