This week the
National Bank of Ukraine (Національний банк
України) published consolidated figures for the banking sector in Ukraine as of 1 November 2012 . (Exchange rate used below for 1 November 2012 : 1 EUR = 10.5874 UAH. Exchange rate used below for 1 October 2012 : 1 EUR = 10.5076 UAH.)
As of 1 November
there were 177 banks registered in Ukraine , down from 198 at
the beginning of the year. On the assets
side, total assets were 1,122,121 mln UAH (€ 106.0 bln), up from 1,054,280 mln
UAH at the beginning of the year.* Total
loans were 823,381 mln UAH, virtually unchanged from 825,320 mln UAH at the
beginning of the year, but the stability of this total is misleading as it
conceals a decline in loans to individuals by 6.4% and a growth in loans to
businesses by 4.4% during the period.
Overdue loans on 1 November stood at 78,231 mln UAH, virtually unchanged
from 79,292 mln UAH at the beginning of the year. On the liabilities side, total deposits stood
at 954,410 mln UAH, an increase of 6.2% over the figure of 898,793 for the
beginning of the year. The situation in
deposits was the opposite of that in loans, with deposits by businesses
shrinking slightly over the first ten months of 2012 but deposits by
individuals growing significantly, particularly term deposits.
The proportion of
foreign capital in the total authorized capital of banks on 1 November was
39.0%, down from 41.9% at the beginning of the year.
Statistics compiled
by the National Bank indicate that as of 21 November the average weighted daily
cost to banks of term deposits denominated in UAH was 25.144% per annum, while
the average daily cost to banks of term deposits in foreign currencies was
7.188% p.a. Among deposits in foreign
currencies, the average cost of long-term deposits was 8.457% in the case of
deposits by natural persons, and 8.884% in the case of deposits by legal
entities. (The National Bank’s
definition of “cost” for deposits includes not just interest paid to depositors
but also any fees paid to attract the deposits.)
*According to data available for one month earlier (1 October 2012), the
largest bank in Ukraine – PrivatBank (ПриватБанк) – had at that time total
assets of 164,563 mln UAH, while the smallest bank – Alliance Bank (Банк Альянс)
– had total assets of 85 mln UAH. (N.B.:
Inflation has been negligible in Ukraine in 2012, with the
CPI actually declining by 0.3% over the first ten months of the year.)
Consolidated data
for banking sector as of 2012-11-01: Oсновнi
показники діяльності банків України
Data for individual
banks as of 2012-10-01: Дані фінансової
звітності банків України
Cost of term
deposits: Вартість
строкових депозитів за даними статистичної звітності банків України
Inflation: Індекс інфляції (last updated
In the second half
of the week several domestic ratings agencies made announcements of ratings
On 23 November the commercial
rating agency Rurik NRA (Національне рейтингове агентство «Рюрік») announced
that its Ratings Committee had on 20 November decided to confirm for Standart
Bank (ПАО КБ «Стандарт») a long-term credit rating of “uaBBB”, with a prognosis
of “stable”. The grade of “uaBBB” is the
fourth and lowest rating level for investment-grade assets on Ukraine ’s national scale
for long-term credit ratings, just above the six rating levels for speculative
Press release by
Rurik with detailed report attached: НРА «Рюрик» сообщает о
подтверждении ПАО КБ «СТАНДАРТ» кредитного рейтинга на уровне uaBBB с прогнозом
«стабильный» (2012-11-23)
National rating
scales for long-term and short-term credit ratings, as promulgated by the
Cabinet of Ministers on 2007-04-26: Кабинет
Министров Украины. Постановление от 26 апреля 2007 года № 665
Also on 23 November,
the commercial rating agency Credit Rating (Рейтингове агентство «Кредит-Рейтинг»)
announced that it had confirmed for Platinum Bank (ПАТ «Платинум Банк») a
long-term credit rating of “uaA+”, with prognosis “stable”. A day earlier, on
22 November, the agency announced that it had set a long-term credit rating for
Kredobank (ПАТ «Кредобанк») of “uaA-”, due in part to the availability of support
for the bank from its principal owner, PKO Bank Polskі SA, Poland ’s largest bank,
which owns 99.6% of the shares of Kredobank.
Also on 23
November, the commercial rating agency IBI Rating (Рейтинговое агентство «IBI
Rating» announced that it had confirmed a rating of “5” for the safety of deposits
at the commercial bank BTA Bank (ПАО «БТА Банк»). (IBI’s rating scale for the reliability of deposits
runs from 1 to 6.) On 23 November IBI
also confirmed a rating of “5” for deposits at the Bank Lviv (in Russian ПАО
АКБ «Львов», in Ukrainian ПАТ АКБ «Львів»), and on 21 November likewise confirmed
a rating of “5” for deposits at Russian Standard Bank (ПАО «Банк Русский
рейтинг надежности вкладов ПАО «Банк Русский Стандарт» подтвержден на уровне
«5» (2012-11-21)
IBI Rating’s rating
scale for reliability of deposits: Рейтинговая
шкала надежности вкладов
Finally, on 22
November the journalists Andrey Santarovich and Maxim Mukhin published a
detailed analysis of Interior Ministry statistics regarding bank robberies in Ukraine in the first ten
months of 2012. Overall both the number of
robberies and the amounts stolen have been on the increase, and the authors
attribute this to the ongoing recession.
Perhaps by coincidence, on 22 November hundreds of police officers took
part in a response drill to a mock bank robbery at a real bank branch located on
Shvabskaya Street in the western city
of Uzhgorod .
Mark Pleas