On 15 November the
Macedonian Stock Exchange (Македонска берза на хартии од вредност АД Скопје)
issued a public notice to the effect that Ohridska Banka (Охридска банка АД
Охрид) had voluntarily withdrawn from the stock exchange and ceased to be a
member of the exchange.
On 3 October 2012
the board of directors of Ohridska Banka, a bank headquartered in Ohrid that is
70.02% owned by Société Generale S.A., had voted to terminate the bank’s involvement
in services related to securities, and on 9 October this decision was approved
by the bank’s supervisory board. The
bank communicated the decision to the Securities and Exchange Commission of the
Republic of Macedonia (Комисија за
хартии од вредност) as well as to the Macedonian Stock Exchange. On 13 November the Securities and Exchange
Commission, acknowledging the notification from Ohridska Banka, duly cancelled
the bank’s license to handle securities and mandated that the bank’s membership
in the Macedonian Stock Exchange also be cancelled. On 15 November the Macedonian Stock Exchange
issued a public notice saying that in response to a request from Ohridska
Banka, the board of directors of the Stock Exchange had voted on 25 October 2012 to recognize the bank’s
voluntary withdrawal from the stock exchange, effective 10 November 2012 .
The withdrawal of
Ohridska Banka from brokerage activities leaves a total of 11 brokerage firms
and 5 banks as authorized to deal with securities in Macedonia .
за хартии од вредност - Соопштение на Комисијата за хартии од
вредност.....13.11.2012 година (2012-11-13)
на членство на Охридска банка АД Охрид (2012-11-09)
Mark Pleas