On 2 November the
Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Centralna banka Bosne i Hercegovine –CBBiH)
published for the first time a list of all frozen bank accounts in the country
that are held by businesses. The list will
henceforth be updated and republished monthly on the website of the CBBiH. The initial list contains basic information
on 58,054 accounts held by 35,693 firms: identification number of each firm, name
of the firm, account number, and bank name.
Eastern Europe Banking & Deposits
Source: CBBiH objavila popis
blokiranih računa (2012-11-02)
The file: Izvjestaj
o blokiranim racunima u Registru transakcijskih racuna Centralne banke Bosne i
Hercegovine (2012-11-02; 2,335 pages, 9.9 MB)
Mark Pleas