Thursday, November 8, 2012

Czech Rep. – ČSOB, owned by KBC Bank of Belgium, publishes unaudited results for 3Q 2012 indicating profit of € 453 mln in first 9 months of 2012

On 8 November the major Czech bank ČSOB (Československá obchodní banka, a. s.), which is 100% owned by KBC Bank in Belgium, published consolidated, unaudited results for the third quarter of 2012.  Below are some selected highlights. (All amounts are in millions of Czech koruny; 1 EUR = 25.4309 CZK at time of writing.)

Income Statement

Profit for the first 9 months of 2012 - reported (zisk za účetní období - vykázaný):*
11,522, up from 9,008 in 2012

*The company made headlines by pointing out that this amounts to an increase of 29% y-o-y, but the company itself explained that this increase is due to 2011 having been a rather poor year: “The high growth of the net profit is a result of a low reference base in 9M 2011 which was impacted by Greek bond exposure impairment.”

Balance Sheet

Total assets (aktiva celkem):
931,729, down from 935,078 on 30 June
Deposits received from other than credit institutions (závazky k ostatním klientům):

626,749, up from 621,741 on 30 June


Net interest margin (čistá úroková marž) (3Q):
3.19%, down from 3.26%
Return on assets - reported (výnosnost aktiv - vykázaný) (3Q):
1.64%, down from 1.68%
Return on equity - reported (výnosnost vlastního kapitálu - vykázaný) (3Q):
23.6%, down from 24.9%
Capital adequacy ratio (kapitálová přiměřenost - skupina):
14.6%, down from 15.1%
Core tier 1 capital ratio (ukazatel kapitálu core tier 1):
12.5%, up from 11.8%
Loan to deposit ratio (poměr úvěry / vklady):
76.0%, up from 75.1%
Non-performing loans (podíl úvěru po splatnosti):
4.80%, down from 4.90%

Mark Pleas
Eastern Europe Banking & Deposits Consultant