On 26 November the
commercial bank Rosbank (ОАО АКБ «Росбанк»), a member of the Société Generale
Group, announced that on 23 November it had reached an agreement with Alfa-Bank
(ОАО «Альфа-Банк»), the largest privately-owned bank in Russia, for the latter
to acquire Belrosbank, with the transaction expected to be completed before the
end of the year. Belrosbank (ЗАО «АКБ «Белросбанк»),
a major bank in Belarus , is owned 99.99%
by Rosbank, which in turn is owned 82.4% by Société Generale S.A.
Rosbank press
release: Росбанк
и Альфа-Банк (Беларусь) достигли договоренности о продаже Белросбанка
Rosbank board
meeting agenda: ОАО
АКБ "РОСБАНК" Проведение заседания совета директоров (наблюдательного
совета) и его повестка дня (2012-11-26 09:23 )
Mark Pleas