Saturday, March 15, 2014

Week 11 of 2014 – Giveaway info for the week – Belarus: Bank offering 5.50% for 12-month retail deposits in USD or EUR

As a free sample for clients and potential clients, below is offered summary information on a sample bank in Eastern Europe or Central Asia selected casually from among those offering moderate (not particularly high) interest rates for foreign-currency retail term deposits.

Bank info:

Name:  Belgazprombank (Joint Belarusian-Russian OJSC Belgazprombank) (Совместное белорусско-российское открытое акционерное общество «Белгазпромбанк»)
Headquarters:  Minsk, Belarus.
Founded:  1990.
Total assets:  BYR* 13.7798 trillion (USD 1.518 bln) as of 30 Sept. 2013, ranking in 7th place out of 31 banks operating in Belarus.

*As of 30 Sept. 2013 the official exchange rate for the Belarusian ruble (BYR) was USD 1 = BYR 9,080.00

Total loans to customers:  BYR 8.4782 trillion (USD 933.7 mln) as of 30 Sept. 2013.
Total deposits:  BYR 6.5334 trillion (USD 719.5 mln) as of 30 Sept. 2013, of which 71.68% were term deposits, and 28.32% were current accounts or demand deposits.  Of the BYR 6.5334 trillion in total deposits, 46.99% were to retail clients and 53.01% to commercial clients.
Net profit (loss) for 3Q 2013:  BYR 93.201 bln (USD 10.26 mln).
Number of offices:  As of 1 February 2013 the bank had “6 regional offices, 2 city offices, 66 smaller outlets and 141 other service points.”
Number of employees:  More than 1,500 as of 1 February 2013.
Licenses and policy documents:  Информация о банке
Ownership structure:  As of February 2013 the bank was owned 49.66% by the Russian natural-gas giant Gazprom (ОАО «Газпром»), 49.66% by Gazprombank («Газпромбанк» (ОАО)) (which itself was owned 35.54% by Gazprom), 0.49% by Gazprom Transgaz Belarus (ОАО «Газпром трансгаз Беларусь»), and 0.18% by the Republic of Belarus.
Quarterly financial data at website of National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (NBRB), 2002-2013:
Quarterly financial statements at bank’s website:
Forms submitted to the NBRB, 2009-2013:  Квартальная финансовая отчетность
Financial statements compiled in accordance with IFRS, 2013:  Квартальная финансовая отчетность
Annual financial statements at bank’s website:
Financial statements compiled in accordance with IFRS, 2004-2012, in Russian:  Годовая финансовая отчетность
Financial statements compiled in accordance with IFRS, audited, 2002-2012, in English:  Audited IFRS Financials
Company presentation in English:  Presentation of Belgazprombank's Activities (2013-02-25)
International (IFRS) – Deloitte & Touche FE (ИП «Делойт и Туш»)
Domestic (NBRB reporting standards) – ALLC Auditel (АООО «Аудитэл»)
Long-term Issuer Default Ratings (IDR): B-
Outlook: Stable
Recent awards:  In September 2013 the bank was recognized for its significant contribution to a program for the early diagnosis of hearing problems in children, in June 2013 the bank was named “Bank of the Year” for Belarus for 2012 in the category of Internet banking, in December 2011 JP Morgan Chase awarded the bank its MT 103 “Elite Quality Recognition Award” for 2011 for achieving a straight-through processing (STP) rate of 99.23% in U.S. dollar clearing.
YouTube channel:  belgazprombank
Contact info:
Phone:  (+375) 17-229-1616
Fax:      (+375) 17-369-4525
Telex: 252104 OLIMP BY

Terms for retail term deposit “Standard” (Вклад «Стандарт»):
USD (no minimum):  5.50% for 12 months (one year).
EUR (no minimum):  5.50% for 12 months (one year).
The bank is entitled to unilaterally change the interest rate of the account at any time.  If the new interest rate is lower, the new rate shall not enter into effect sooner than one month after the bank has notified affected depositors through notices placed on the bank’s website and in its branches.  (The most recent change in the interest rate for the “Standard” account took place on 14 December 2012.)
Interest rate in the case of early termination:
0-180 days: interest rate of demand deposit.
181-360 days: reduction of interest rate by 2.0% (i.e., to 3.50%).

Terms for retail term deposit “Optimal Plus” (Вклад «Оптимальный плюс»):
USD (min. USD 500):  6.00% a.p.r. for 18 months.
EUR (min. EUR 500):  6.00% a.p.r. for 18 months.
The bank is not entitled to unilaterally change the interest rate of the account in the first 180 days after account opening.  (Since the introduction of the “Optimal Plus” account on 5 June 2013 there have been no changes to its interest rate.)
Interest rate in the case of early termination:
0-180 days: interest rate of demand deposit.
181-360 days: reduction of interest rate by 0.5% (i.e., to 5.50%).
361+ days: no reduction in interest rate.

Terms for retail term deposit “Progressive” (Вклад «Прогрессивный»):
BYR (min. BYR 1 mln):  40.00% a.p.r. for 3 months.
The bank is not entitled to unilaterally change the interest rate of the account in the first 30 days after account opening.  (As is common with banks in Belarus, this bank’s interest rates for deposits in BYR with maturities greater than 3 months are floating, not fixed.)

Terms for commercial deposits: Terms for corporate demand deposits and time deposits, for either resident or non-resident entities, are available from the bank’s Department of Investment Banking Products by calling (+375) 17-218-3651.