Saturday, March 29, 2014

Term Deposits and Mutual Funds – An examination of fund portfolios in Montenegro

In Montenegro, a small country in former Yugoslavia that became independent in 2006, the parliament in 2011 adopted a Law on Investment Funds (Zakon o investicionim fondovima) that required asset management firms to divide the assets of each of their existing funds into a closed-end fund (zatvoreni investicioni fond) and an open-end fund (otvoreni investicioni fond).

At the time there were six asset management firms operating investment funds in Montenegro, each firm operating a single fund.  Two of the firms – “Trend” and “MIG” – preferred not to divide up their funds’ assets and opted to liquidate their funds (an option whose legality the Montenegro Securities Commission is hotly contesting), but four of the firms divided their funds’ assets between an open-end fund and a closed-end fund.  As a result there are presently 8 investment funds operating in Montenegro: 4 asset management firms each operate one open-end fund and one closed-end fund.  Below are summary data on the 4 firms and the 8 funds that they manage.

“Atlas Mont” Investment Fund Management Company, Inc.

Name in Montenegrin/Serbian:
Društvo za upravljanje (d.z.u.) investicionim fondom “Atlas Mont” a.d. Podgorica
Ulica Stanka Dragojevića 4, 81000 Podgorica
Date of founding:
Granted the status of “privatization fund” by the Ministry of Finance on 2001-10-31
Mirjana Damjanović
Investment manager:
Milena Vučinić
Total capital as of 2014-03-28:
€ 2,210,265.24
Number of shareholders as of 2014-03-28:
Largest shareholders as of 2014-03-28:
“Atlas Fin” d.o.o. ............................................................................. 85.96%
Vlado Divac ........................................................................................ 4.15%
Predrag Danilović ................................................................................ 4.15%
IK – Joint Custody Account 1 ........................................................... 3.67%
Dragoslav Andrić ................................................................................ 1.24%
Saša Popović ....................................................................................... 0.83%
Income received in January 2014:
For managing of “Atlas Mont” Closed-End Fund...................... € 12,133.07
For managing of “Atlas Mont” Open-End Fund........................ € 44,616.69
Wage expenses in January 2014:
...................................................................................................... € 9,309.03

“Atlas Mont” Closed-End Fund

Name in Montenegrin/Serbian:
Zatvoreni investicioni fond “Atlas Mont” a.d. Podgorica – u postupku transformacije
Ticker symbol on Montenegroberza:
Management fee rate:
Management fee paid in Feb. 2014:
€ 11.837.30
Total assets as of 2014-02-28:
€ 19,819,659.99
Net assets as of 2014-02-28:
€ 19,807,822.69
Share value as of 2014-02-28:
€ 0.0945
Number of shares as of 2014-03-28:
Nominal price per share as of 2014-03-28:
€ 0.33673
Total capital as of 2014-03-28:
€ 70,547,457.45
Number of shareholders as of 2014-03-28:
Largest shareholders as of 2014-03-28:
IK – Joint Custody Account 1 ............................................................ 14.95%
d.o.o. “Zetagradnja” ............................................................................... 6.16%
Hempton Corp. Ltd., British Virgin Islands .......................................... 4.95%
Ekspres Gradina ..................................................................................... 3.62%
“Atlas Banka” a.d. Podgorica.................................................................. 3.22%
d.z.u. “Atlas Mont” a.d. Podgorica........................................................ 3.16%
V.B. Holding (Cyprus) Limited, Cyprus ............................................... 2.67%
Cosmos Ltd., Panama ............................................................................ 2.61%
Aca Babić, Serbia ................................................................................... 2.38%
Futura Export Import Ltd., Switzerland ................................................ 1.74%

*International Securities Identification Number.  The national numbering agency (NNA) for Montenegro is the Central Depository Agency of Montenegro (“Centralna Depozitarna Agencija” a.d.. Podgorica).

As of 28 February 2014 the fund had € 19.8 mln in total assets, with the following composition:

Stocks (Akcije)
€ 15,680,373.53
Bonds (Obveznice)

Other debt securities (Druge dužničke hartije od vrijednosti)

Cash assets at fixed term (Oročena novčana sredstva)

Real estate (Nekretnine)
€ 4,139,241.90
Cash assets on demand (Novčana sredstva po viđenju)
€ 44.56
€ 19,819,659.99

The 79.1152% of total assets held in stocks consisted exclusively of shares in four related companies: “Invest Banka Montenegro” a.d. Podgorica (35.1584%), “Atlas Hotels Group” a.d. Bar (23.9999%), “Jadranski Sajam” a.d. Budva (15.7995%), and a.d.z.u. “Atlas Penzija” Podgorica (4.1568%).

The 20.8845% of total assets held in real estate consisted of land in Golubovci, Petrovac, Podgorica, and commercial property in Sveti Stefan.

The € 44.56 in cash assets on demand consisted of one or more demand deposits.

“Atlas Mont” Open-End Fund

Name in Montenegrin/Serbian:
Otvoreni investicioni fond “Atlas Mont” Podgorica – u postupku transformacije
Management fee rate:
Management fee paid in Feb. 2014:
Total assets as of 2014-02-28:
€ 14,985,020.19
Net assets as of 2014-02-28:
€ 14,729,611.18
Share value as of 2014-02-28:
€ 0.09653185
Number of shares as of 2014-02-28:
Nominal price per share as of 2014-02-28:
Total capital as of 2014-02-28:
Number of shareholders as of 2014-02-28:
Largest shareholders as of 2014-02-28:

As of 28 February 2014 the fund had € 15.0 mln in total assets, with the following composition:

Stocks (Akcije)
€ 6,853,589.05
Bonds (Obveznice)
€ 40,135.78
Other debt securities (Druge dužničke hartije od vrijednosti)

Cash assets at fixed term (Oročena novčana sredstva)

Real estate (Nekretnine)

Cash assets on demand (Novčana sredstva po viđenju)
€ 8,091,295.17
€ 14,985,020.00

The 45.75% of total assets held in stocks consisted of shares from 13 companies, most of them not related to the Atlas Group, and all but one of them (“Univerzal Banka” a.d., Serbia) being domestic firms.  Of the 45.75%, more than half (26.34%) was in stock of the related firm “Atlas Banka” a.d. Podgorica, with the next largest investments being in the unrelated firms “Montenegro-Express Group” a.d. Budva (8.10%), “Jugopetrol” a.d. Kotor (3.32%), “Montenegroberza” a.d. Podgorica (the Montenegrin stock exchange, 1.84%), and a.d. “Kontejnerski Terminal i Generalni Tereti” Bar (the container terminal located at Bar, 1.70%).

The 0.26% of total assets held in bonds consisted of Montenegrin government bonds of series OB14 and OB15.

The 53.99% of total assets held in cash assets on demand consisted of one or more demand deposits.

“Euroinvest” Investment Fund Management Company, Inc.

Name in Montenegrin/Serbian:
Društvo za upravljanje (d.z.u.) investicionim fondom “Euroinvest” a.d. Podgorica
Bulevar Svetog Petra Cetinjskog 78, 81000 Podgorica
Date of founding:
Granted the status of “privatization fund” by the Ministry of Finance on 2001-04-04
Boiša Šotra
Investment manager:
Aleksandra Mitrović
Total capital as of 2014-03-28:
€ 178,952.16
Number of shareholders as of 2014-03-28:
Largest shareholders as of 2014-03-28:
Kenan Terzić, Bosnia & Herzegovina .................................................. 29.29%
a.d. “Flash” Podgorica .......................................................................... 20.00%
Fadil Ćosibegović ................................................................................. 10.00%
“Ilirika d.d. - Borzno Posredniška Hiša”, Slovenia .............................. 10.00%
HB – Joint Custody Account 3 ............................................................. 8.57%
Azim Bujak, Bosnia & Herzegovina....................................................... 7.88%
Adnan Husić, Bosnia & Herzegovina .................................................... 7.88%
TP “Izbor u stečaju” a.d. Bar ................................................................. 6.43%
Income received in February 2014:
For managing of “Eurofond” Closed-End Fund............................... € 6,667.89
For managing of “Eurofond” Open-End Fund................................. € 3,334.76
Wage expenses in February 2014:
................................................................................................................. € 0.00

“Eurofond” Closed-End Fund

Name in Montenegrin/Serbian:
Zatvoreni investicioni fond “Eurofond” a.d. Podgorica u postupku transformacije
Ticker symbol on Montenegroberza:
Management fee rate:
Management fee paid in Feb. 2014:
€ 6,667.89
Total assets as of 2014-02-28:
€ 43,227,503.70
Net assets as of 2014-02-28:
€ 38,226,720.89
Share value as of 2014-02-28:
€ 0.1405
Number of shares as of 2014-03-28:
Nominal price per share as of 2014-03-28:
€ 0.6740
Total capital as of 2014-03-28:
€ 183,435,132.30
Number of shareholders as of 2014-03-28:
Largest shareholders as of 2014-03-28:
HB – Joint Custody Account 3 ........................................................... 15.51%
Monte Development Corp. ................................................................... 6.51%
d.z.u. “Euroinvest” a.d. Podgorica ......................................................... 5.66%
Roman Drašler, Slovenia ........................................................................ 3.23%
Branislav Radonjić ................................................................................. 3.02%
Veselin Barović ...................................................................................... 2.60%
HP “Fjord” a.d. Kotor ........................................................................... 2.52%
“Comersa” d.o.o. .................................................................................... 1.58%
HB – Joint Custody Account 1 ............................................................. 1.17%
Zveza Bank, Austria .............................................................................. 1.04%

On 19 November 2009 the fund signed a Lombard credit agreement with Bank Alpinum A.G. of Vaduz, Liechtenstein, for € 5,000,000, at an interest rate of 3-month EUR Libor + 1.25% and repayment open.  As of 28 February 2014 the debt stood at € 5,000,782.83.

As of 28 February 2014 the fund had € 43.2 mln in total assets, with the following composition:

Stocks (Akcije) in Montenegro
€ 28,994,461.25
Stocks (Akcije) in Bosnia and Herzegovina
€ 8,381,842.42
Bonds (Obveznice)

Other debt securities (Druge dužničke hartije od vrijednosti)

Cash assets at fixed term (Oročena novčana sredstva)

Real estate (Nekretnine)
€ 5,851,200.00
Cash assets on demand (Novčana sredstva po viđenju)
€ 0.03
€ 43,227,503.70

The 67.07% of total assets held in Montenegrin stocks consisted of shares from 19 companies, with almost half (31.75%) being shares of a.d. “Broadband Montenegro” Podgorica, and only slightly less than that (29.41%) being shares of a.d. “Bajo Sekulić” Ulcinj.

The 19.39% of total assets held in stocks from Bosnia and Herzegovina consisted of shares from “Elektrogrupa” d.d. Jajce (13.42%), “Zadrugar” d.d. Jajce (4.86%), and “Remontmontaža” d.d. Tuzla (1.11%).

As of 28 February 2014 the fund held a 40% or higher share in three companies: a.d. “Bjelasica-Rada” Bijelo Polje (declared bankrupt in 2007), a.d. “Izbor” Bar (declared bankrupt in 2010), and a.d. “Bajo Sekulić” Ulcinj (currently undergoing bankruptcy proceedings).

The 13.54% of total assets held in real estate consisted of six adjacent parcels of land in Orahovac (11.13%), a residential-commercial property in Bečići (1.61%), and a commercial property in Podgorica (0.80%).

The € 0.03 in cash assets on demand consisted neither of a time deposit nor a demand deposit, but instead of “other funds” (presumably in the form of three pennies kept in a drawer in the office).

“Eurofond” Open-End Fund

Name in Montenegrin/Serbian:
Otvoreni investicioni fond “Eurofond” u postupku transformacije
Management fee rate:
Management fee paid in Feb. 2014:
€ 3,334.76
Total assets as of 2014-02-28:
€ 1,468,053.10
Net assets as of 2014-02-28:
€ 1,444,131.02
Share value as of 2014-02-28:
€ 0.00626815
Number of shares as of 2014-02-28:
Nominal price per share as of 2014-02-28:
Total capital as of 2014-02-28:
Number of shareholders as of 2014-02-28:
Largest shareholders as of 2014-02-28:

As of 28 February 2014 the fund had € 1.5 mln in total assets, with the following composition:

Stocks (Akcije)
€ 1,309,342.74
Bonds (Obveznice)

Other debt securities (Druge dužničke hartije od vrijednosti)

Cash assets at fixed term (Oročena novčana sredstva)

Real estate (Nekretnine)

Cash assets on demand (Novčana sredstva po viđenju)

Total cash assets (Ukupna novčana sredstva)
€ 1,468,053.10

Of the 89.19% of total assets held in stocks, more than half (47.32%) was in shares of Hotelska Grupa “Budvanska rivijera” a.d. Budva, with the next largest holding being in shares of the national power transmission utility, “Crnogorski elektroprenosni sistem” a.d. Podgorica (19.00%).

The € 158,710.36 in “Total cash assets” is not listed under either “Cash assets at fixed term” or “Cash assets on demand”, but more information on the nature of this cash is not available.  Because the corresponding sum at the beginning of February was just € 2.88, these funds are presumably related to the 14 February sale by the fund of 40,000 shares of “Budvanska rivijera” for € 185,200.00.

Moneta Investment Fund Management Company, Inc.

Name in Montenegrin/Serbian:
Društvo za upravljanje (d.z.u.) investicionim fondom “Moneta” a.d. Podgorica
Trg Republike 13, 81000 Podgorica
Date of founding:
Biljana Šofranac
Investment manager:
Biljana Šofranac, Gregor Kopriva
Total capital as of 2014-03-28:
€ 411,078.61
Number of shareholders as of 2014-03-28:
Largest shareholders as of 2014-03-28:
HB – Joint Custody Account 3 ........................................................... 40.05%
“Sivent” d.d., Slovenia ......................................................................... 35.20%
CK – Joint Custody Account 1 ........................................................... 24.75%
Income received in February 2014:
For managing of “Moneta” Closed-End Fund................................ € 19,651.80
For managing of “Eurofond” Open-End Fund............................... € 12,707.29
Wage expenses in February 2014:
.......................................................................................................... € 2,293.02

“Moneta” Closed-End Fund

Name in Montenegrin/Serbian:
Zatvoreni investicioni fond “Moneta” a.d. Podgorica u postupku transformacije
Ticker symbol on Montenegroberza:
Management fee rate:
Management fee paid in Feb. 2014:
€ 19,651.80
Total assets as of 2014-02-28:
€ 17,427,455.33
Net assets as of 2014-02-28:
€ 17,427,455.33
Share value as of 2014-02-28:
€ 0.1140107880
Number of shares as of 2014-03-28:
Nominal price per share as of 2014-03-28:
€ 0.1340
Total capital as of 2014-03-28:
€ 20,475,999.56
Number of shareholders as of 2014-03-28:
Largest shareholders as of 2014-03-28:
d.z.u. “Moneta” a.d. Podgorica ............................................................ 15.36%
HB – Joint Custody Account 3 ........................................................... 12.06%
CK – Joint Custody Account 1 ........................................................... 11.65%
HB – Joint Custody Account 1 ............................................................. 7.55%
z.i.f. “Invest nova fond” a.d., Bosnia and Herzegovina ......................... 6.46%
Bojana Vinković, Slovenia ...................................................................... 4.20%
NM – Joint Custody Account 6 ............................................................ 3.50%
z.i.f. “Privrednik Invest” a.d., Bosnia and Herzegovina ........................ 1.37%
NM – Joint Custody Account 3 ............................................................ 1.02%
HB – Joint Custody Account 5 ............................................................. 0.53%

As of 28 February 2014 the fund had € 17.4 mln in total assets, with the following composition:

Stocks (Akcije) in Montenegro
€ 8,659,990.50
Stocks (Akcije) in Slovenia
€ 8,373,924.00
Bonds (Obveznice)

Other debt securities (Druge dužničke hartije od vrijednosti)

Cash assets at fixed term (Oročena novčana sredstva)

Real estate (Nekretnine) in Serbia
€ 379,543.00
Cash assets on demand in Montenegro
€ 945.81
Cash assets on demand in Slovenia
€ 3.79
Cash assets on demand in Serbia
€ 6,045.02
Cash assets on demand in Bosnia and Herzegovina
€ 7,003.21
€ 17,427,455.33

The 49.69% of total assets held in Montenegrin stocks consisted entirely of shares of a.d. “Otrantkomerc” Ulcinj.  The fund owned 99.6621% of Otrantkomerc’s stock.

The 48.05% of total assets held in Slovenian stocks consisted entirely of shares in the investment firm “AG” d.d. Ljubljana.  The fund owned 60.6569% of AG’s stock.

The 2.18% of total assets held in real estate in Serbia consisted of a commercial property in Belgrade.

The €945.81 in demand deposits in Montenegro were being held in accounts at “Crnogorska komercijalna banka” a.d. Podgorica (€781.82), at “Prva banka Crne Gore” a.d. Podgorica (€89.59), and at “NLB Montenegrobanka” a.d. Podgorica (€74.40).

The €3.79 in demand deposits in Slovenia was being held in an account at “Factor banka” d.d. Ljublana.

The € 6,045.02 in demand deposits in Serbia was being held in an account at “Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank” a.d. Beograd.

The € 7,003.21 in Bosnia and Herzegovina was being held in a brokerage account (brokerski račun) at “SEE Investment Solutions” d.o.o. Sarajevo.

“Moneta” Open-End Fund

Name in Montenegrin/Serbian:
Otvoreni investicioni fond “Moneta” u postupku transformacije
Management fee rate:
Management fee paid in Feb. 2014:
€ 12,707.29
Total assets as of 2014-02-28:
€ 5,610,454.40
Net assets as of 2014-02-28:
€ 5,594,626.80
Share value as of 2014-02-28:
€ 0.06492063
Number of shares as of 2014-02-28:
Nominal price per share as of 2014-02-28:
Total capital as of 2014-02-28:
Number of shareholders as of 2014-02-28:
Largest shareholders as of 2014-02-28:

As of 28 February 2014 the fund had € 5.6 mln in total assets, with the following composition:

Stocks (Akcije) in Montenegro
€ 2,625,286.29
Stocks (Akcije) in Slovenia
€ 1,145,922.00
Stocks (Akcije) in USA
€ 105,229.94
Stocks (Akcije) in Luxembourg
€ 97,680.00
Stocks (Akcije) in Bosnia and Herzegovina
€ 1,349,288.27
Bonds (Obveznice) in Slovenia
€ 199,000.00
Other debt securities (Druge dužničke hartije od vrijednosti)

Cash assets at fixed term (Oročena novčana sredstva)

Real estate (Nekretnine) in Serbia

Cash assets on demand in Montenegro
€ 88,047.90
€ 5,610,454.40

The 46.79% of total assets held in Montenegrin stocks consisted of shares in 32 companies.  The largest single holdings were of “Crnogorski elektroprenosni sistem” a.d. Podgorica (24.51% of total assets) and “Jugopetrol” a.d. Kotor (7.53%).  The smallest holdings amounted to €0.00 each in four companies, at least two of which have been declared bankrupt.

The 20.42% of total assets held in Slovenian stocks consisted entirely of shares in the investment firm “AG” d.d. Ljubljana.    The fund owned 4.0665% of AG’s stock.

The 1.88% of total assets held in US stocks consisted of shares in “iShares JP Morgan”, presumably the iShares J.P. Morgan USD Emerging Markets Bond ETF, which as of 27 March 2014 had a 12-month yield of 4.64% (as measured in US dollars).

The 1.74% of total assets held in Luxembourg stocks consisted of shares in Julius Baer Multipartner’s Balkan Tiger Fund / B, which as of 27 March 2014 had a 12-month yield of -2.81% (as measured in euros).

The 24.05% of total assets held in Bosnian stocks consisted of shares in 10 companies.  The largest single holdings were in the investment funds z.i.f. “Invest nova fond” a.d. Bijeljina (9.3707% of total assets) and z.i.f. “Herbos fond” d.d. Mostar (7.2803%).

The 3.55% of total assets held in Slovenian bonds consisted entirely of bonds of the investment firm “AG” d.d. Ljubljana.

The € 88,047.90 in demand deposits in Montenegro was being held in an account at “Crnogorska komercijalna banka” a.d. Podgorica.

Prima Investment Fund Management Company, Inc.

Name in Montenegrin/Serbian:
Društvo za upravljanje (d.z.u.) investicionim fondovima “Prima” a.d. Podgorica
Bulevar Revolucije 50/5, 81000 Podgorica
Date of founding:
Vitomir Joksimović
Investment manager:
Nikola Jovović, Vitomir Joksimović
Total capital as of 2014-03-28:
€ 125,000.00
Number of shareholders as of 2014-03-28:
Largest shareholders as of 2014-03-28:
“Provladex” d.o.o. Podgorica ............................................................. 100.00%
Income received in February 2014:
For managing of “HLT FOND” Closed-End Fund.......................... € 5,123.78
For managing of “HLT FOND” Open-End Fund.......................... € 17,263.75
Wage expenses in February 2014:

“HLT FOND” Closed-End Fund

Name in Montenegrin/Serbian:
Zatvoreni investicioni fond “HLT FOND” a.d. u postupku transformacije Podgorica
Ticker symbol on Montenegroberza:
Management fee rate:
Management fee paid in Feb. 2014:
€ 5,123.78
Total assets as of 2014-02-28:
€ 8,840,036.00
Net assets as of 2014-02-28:
€ 781,929.61
Share value as of 2014-02-28:
Number of shares as of 2014-03-28:
Nominal price per share as of 2014-03-28:
€ 0.1578
Total capital as of 2014-03-28:
€ 76,999,165.13
Number of shareholders as of 2014-03-28:
Largest shareholders as of 2014-03-28:
Montenegro S.p.A., Italy ..................................................................... 18.29%
“Provladex” d.o.o. Podgorica ................................................................. 3.79%
Damjan Dudić ........................................................................................ 3.58%
z.i.f. “VB fond” a.d., Bosnia and Herzegovina ...................................... 2.34%
f.z.u. “Trend” a.d. Podgorica ................................................................. 2.07%
o.i.f. “Atlas Mont” Podgorica ................................................................ 1.79%
Dafin S.A., Luxembourg ......................................................................... 1.65%
Cattaro Investments S.A., Luxembourg ................................................. 1.42%
Vanja Mugoša ........................................................................................ 0.78%
Samir Oprašić, Bosnia and Herzegovina ................................................ 0.67%

As of 28 February 2014 the fund had € 8.8 mln in total assets (but only 0.8 mln in net assets), with the following composition:

Stocks (Akcije)

Bonds (Obveznice)

Other debt securities (Druge dužničke hartije od vrijednosti)

Cash assets at fixed term (Oročena novčana sredstva)

Real estate (Nekretnine)
€ 8,840,036.00
Cash assets on demand (Novčana sredstva po viđenju)


The 100% of total assets held in real estate consisted of land in Kasarna Morača (Podgorica), Sutorina (Herceg Novi), Škaljari (Kotor), and Zlatica (Podgorica).

“HLT FOND” Open-End Fund

Name in Montenegrin/Serbian:
Otvoreni investicioni fond “HLT FOND” u postupku transformacije Podgorica
Management fee rate:
Management fee paid in Feb. 2014:
€ 17,263.75
Total assets as of 2014-02-28:
€ 6,540,633.00
Net assets as of 2014-02-28:
€ 6,519,787.57
Share value as of 2014-02-28:
€ 0.01406568
Number of shares as of 2014-02-28:
Nominal price per share as of 2014-02-28:
Total capital as of 2014-02-28:
Number of shareholders as of 2014-02-28:
Largest shareholders as of 2014-02-28:

As of 28 February 2014 the fund had € 6.5 mln in total assets, with the following composition:

Stocks (Akcije) in Montenegro
€ 5,554,423.80
Stocks (Akcije) in Serbia
€ 96,506.54
Stocks (Akcije) in Croatia
€ 360,012.27
Stocks (Akcije) in RS, Bosnia and Herzegovina
€ 388,820.11
Stocks (Akcije) in FBiH, Bosnia and Herzegovina
€ 6,186.63
Stocks (Akcije) in USA
€ 98,140.02
Bonds (Obveznice)

Other debt securities (Druge dužničke hartije od vrijednosti)

Cash assets at fixed term (Oročena novčana sredstva)

Real estate (Nekretnine)

Cash assets on demand and receivables (Novčana sredstva po viđenju I potraživanja)
€ 36,543.63

The 84.92% of total assets held in Montenegrin stocks consisted of shares in 22 companies.  The largest single holdings were of shares in a.d. “Mješovito” Herceg Novi (37.84% of total assets), a.d. za osiguranje “Lovćen” Podgorica (16.20%), and “13 Jul - Plantaže” a.d. Podgorica (12.47%).

Among the assets held in foreign shares, the largest single holdings were of z.i.f. “Aktiva invest fond” a.d. in Bosnia and Herzegovina (3.33% of total assets), “Europlantaže” d.d. in Croatia (2.50%), and z.i.f. “VB fond” a.d. in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2.42%).  The 1.50% of total assets held in US stocks consisted of shares in clothing retailer Aéropostale, Inc. (1.48% of total assets) and in biopharmaceutical firm Affymax, Inc. (0.02%).

The above examination shows that as of 28 February 2014, the 8 investment funds active in Montenegro were holding a total of € 8.4 million in demand deposits, in four different nations, but not a single cent in term deposits.  This is striking, as not only are interest rates on term deposits relatively high in Montenegro, but Montenegro is one of a relative few developed countries worldwide that permit investment funds to place their assets in term deposits in virtually any corner of the world.

Although Montenegro uses the euro as its currency, the country is not a member of the “eurozone” (EMU).  In fact Montenegro is not even (yet) a member of the EU, though its laws and regulations are gradually being reformulated in accordance with those of the EU/EC.  But there are still some differences, and one of them regards the placement of term deposits abroad by investment funds operating in Montenegro.

The restrictions on term deposits for investment funds (UCITS – undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities) in EU-member states were last modified in 2001 (by Directive 2001-108-EC), and presently read as follows:


Article 50

1.  The investments of a UCITS shall comprise only one or more of the following:


 (f) deposits with credit institutions which are repayable on demand or have the right to be withdrawn, and maturing in no more than 12 months, provided that the credit institution has its registered office in a Member State or, if the registered office of the credit institution is situated in a non-Member State, provided that it is subject to prudential rules considered by the UCITS' competent authorities as equivalent to those laid down in Community law, and/or


In the laws of most EU member states and in the prospectuses of investment funds domiciled in them one sees that the above article has been incorporated verbatim.  (One exception is Italy, where in 2012 the Banca d'Italia in May 2012 issued a directive specifying that the bank must have its headquarters in an EU member state or in a state of the Group of Ten (which adds in Switzerland, the USA, Canada, and Japan). 

As a result, it would not be permissible (without prior approval from the competent authority) for an investment fund (UCITS) in the EU to place a deposit with, for example the largest bank in Australia, National Australia Bank, but it would have been permissible for the fund to place deposits in Bank of Cyprus, the largest commercial bank in Cyprus, the day before depositors there took a haircut (or even the day after, possibly).  Likewise it would be no problem for an EU UCITS to place deposits in any of the banks in Greece, Spain, Slovenia, etc., whose financial statements clearly identify them as no longer constituting “going concerns” but instead as “gone concerns”, as they have already fallen below their capital requirements and should already have been shut down by the national regulators if such regulators were not keeping them open in the hope of obtaining bailout money from Brussels or Frankfurt.

In short, the regulations in EU give carte blanche to investment funds to place deposits in any bank in any EU state, no matter what condition the bank may be in, but deposits outside of the EU require a general or particular judgment on the part of the domestic regulatory authority.

In Europe outside of the EU, the countries in SEE closest to the EU have conformed their laws to the EU regulations, but in some cases are slightly broader.  In Bosnia the law limits deposits by investment funds to banks whose headquarters are in Bosnia, in an EU member state, or in another state that the Bosnian bank regulator judges to have sufficient prudential supervision.  The law in Albania is the same.  In Serbia the law limits deposits by funds to bank whose headquarters are in Serbia, in EU member countries, or in OECD member countries (which brings in Switzerland, the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Mexico, Chile, and Turkey).

In Montenegro, however, a very small country that wants to attract investors, the law is broader:


Article 25

(1)  The assets of an open-end fund may be invested in:


(4) in deposits with authorized banks in Montenegro or another state, provided that they are subject to supervision and restrictions that are equivalent to the supervision and restrictions established in [Montenegrin] regulations, which mature within a period not exceeding 12 months and which may be withdrawn at any time.

Article 81

(1)  Permitted investments of a closed-end investment fund are:


(4) in deposits with authorized banks in Montenegro or another state, provided that they are subject to supervision and restrictions that are equivalent to the supervision and restrictions established in [Montenegrin] regulations, which mature within a period not exceeding 12 months and which may be withdrawn at any time.


Član 25

(1) Sredstva otvorenog fonda mogu se ulagati u:


4) u depozite kod ovlašćenih banaka u Crnoj Gori ili nekoj drugoj državi, pod uslovom da podliježu nadzoru i ograničenjima ekvivalentnom nadzoru i ograničenjima utvrđenim propisima, koji dospijevaju u roku ne dužem od 12 mjeseci i koji se mogu u svakom trenutku razročiti.

Član 81

(1) Dozvoljena ulaganja zatvorenog investicionog fonda su:


4) u depozite kod ovlašćenih banaka u Crnoj Gori ili nekoj drugoj državi pod uslovom da podliježu nadzoru i ograničenjima ekvivalentnim nadzoru i ograničenjima utvrđenim propisima koji dospijevaju u roku ne dužem od 12 mjeseci i koji se mogu u svakom trenutku razročiti;