As a free sample for clients and potential
clients, below is offered summary information on a sample bank in Eastern Europe
or Central Asia selected casually from among those offering moderate
(not particularly high) interest rates for foreign-currency retail term deposits. (This bank’s interest rate of 7.50% for 12-month accounts in USD is in fact among
the lowest being offered by any bank in Azerbaijan, where interest rates for
USD range as high as 14.00%.)
Bank info:
Bank: Kapital Bank OJSC (“Kapital Bank”
Açıq Səhmdar Cəmiyyəti)
Headquarters: Baku (Bakı), Azerbaijan
Founded: In 2000 through a merger of three state-owned
banks, the oldest of which was founded in 1874-
Total assets: AZN 1.0486
bln (USD 1.337 bln) as of 31 Dec. 2013
Number of branches: 100 as of 1 Oct. 2013
No. of ATMs: 477
as of 1 Oct. 2013
No. of customers: >2 million retail;
>19,000 commercial
No. of credit and debit
cards in circulation: 2,049,387 as of 1 Oct. 2013
Ownership structure: Owned 99.84% by PASHA Holding
(Paşa Holdinq)
Quarterly financial
statements and ratios for most recent quarter:
Bank haqqında
Quarterly financial
statements, 2010-2013: Maliyyə göstəriciləri (incomplete)
Annual reports, 2003-2012: İllik hesabatlar
Auditor: Ernst & Young Holdings (CIS) B.V. (Ernst
& Yanq Holdinqs (SiAyEs) Bi.Vi.)
Long-term Issuer Default Ratings (IDR): B+
Long-term local-currency and foreign-currency deposit
ratings: B1
Short-term local-currency and foreign-currency deposit
ratings: Not Prime
Standalone bank financial-strength rating: E+
Contact info:
Phone: (+994) 12-493-6630
Fax: (+994) 12-493-7905
Terms of retail term deposit “VIP Deposit”
("VİP" Depoziti):
USD (minimum USD 1,000): 7.50% a.p.r. for 12 months, 8.50% for
24 mos., 9.50% for 36 mos.
EUR (minimum EUR 1,000): 4.00% a.p.r. for 12 months, 5.00% for
24 mos., 6.00% for 36 mos.
AZN (minimum AZN 1,000): 7.50% a.p.r. for 12 months, 8.50% for 24 mos.,
9.50% for 36 mos.
Terms of commercial term deposits:
USD &AZN: 4.00% a.p.r. for 12 months, 5.00% for
24 mos., 6.00% for 36 mos.