Friday, October 26, 2012

Bulgaria – Average interest rates on new 1-2 year time deposits in BGN, EUR, and USD rose slightly in September

On 25 October the Bulgarian National Bank (Българска народна банка) released detailed statistical data on interest rates for the month of September 2012.  In September average annual effective interest rates on new deposits by non-financial corporations and households underwent the following changes compared to August 2012:

Non-financial corporations:

Deposits in BGN (Bulgarian leva):
Deposits for > 1 day and ≤ 1 month:  2.2907% → 2.6694%  (+ 0.3787%)
Deposits for > 1 month and ≤ 3 months:  3.5160% → 4.1649%  (+ 0.6489%)
Deposits for > 3 months and ≤ 6 months:  4.3726% → 4.1500%  (- 0.2226%)
Deposits for > 6 months and ≤ 12 months:  4.7804% → 5.4214%  (+ 0.6410%)
Deposits for > 1 year and ≤ 2 years:  5.3617% → 6.1184%  (+ 0.7567%)
Deposits for > 2 years:  8.2828% → 4.4266%  (- 3.8562%)*

*New deposits in this maturity class during the month totaled only 1,137,000 BGN (€ 581,000)

Deposits in EUR:
Deposits for > 1 day and ≤ 1 month:  1.9943% → 2.0689%  (+ 0.0746%)
Deposits for > 1 month and ≤ 3 months:  3.0705% → 2.8370%  (- 0.2335%)
Deposits for > 3 months and ≤ 6 months:  3.5819% → 3.1261%  (- 0.4558%)
Deposits for > 6 months and ≤ 12 months:  4.5761% → 4.2616%  (- 0.3145%)
Deposits for > 1 year and ≤ 2 years:  3.7668% → 6.7006%  (+ 2.9338%)*
Deposits for > 2 years:  (no new deposits in August) → 3.4033%  (---------)

*New deposits in this maturity class during the month totaled only 1,436,000 BGN (€ 734,000)

Deposits in USD:
Deposits for > 1 day and ≤ 1 month:  1.0238% → 1.5049%  (+ 0.4811%)
Deposits for > 1 month and ≤ 3 months:  2.5476% → 2.3107%  (- 0.2369%)
Deposits for > 3 months and ≤ 6 months:  1.2702% → 1.8406%  (+ 0.5704%)
Deposits for > 6 months and ≤ 12 months:  2.5423% → 2.4979%  (- 0.0444%)
Deposits for > 1 year and ≤ 2 years:  3.9561% → 4.0827%  (+ 0.1266%)
Deposits for > 2 years:  (no new deposits in August or September)

Households and NPISH (Non Profit Institutions Serving Households):

Deposits in BGN (Bulgarian leva):
Deposits for > 1 day and ≤ 1 month:  3.0771% → 2.9661%  (- 0.1110%)
Deposits for > 1 month and ≤ 3 months:  4.8406% → 4.5549%  (- 0.2857%)
Deposits for > 3 months and ≤ 6 months:  5.3125% → 5.1406%  (- 0.1719%)
Deposits for > 6 months and ≤ 12 months:  5.1165% → 5.3045%  (+ 0.1880%)
Deposits for > 1 year and ≤ 2 years:  5.0462% → 6.1462%  (+ 1.1000%)
Deposits for > 2 years:  6.5443% → 6.7373%  (+ 0.1930%)

Deposits in EUR:
Deposits for > 1 day and ≤ 1 month:  2.3872% → 2.2347%  (- 0.1525%)
Deposits for > 1 month and ≤ 3 months:  4.3512% → 4.0819%  (- 0.2693%)
Deposits for > 3 months and ≤ 6 months:  4.4811% → 4.4250%  (- 0.0561%)
Deposits for > 6 months and ≤ 12 months:  4.8587% → 4.9681%  (+ 0.1094%)
Deposits for > 1 year and ≤ 2 years:  4.6109% → 5.8401%  (+ 1.2292%)
Deposits for > 2 years:  6.1067% → 5.9993%  (- 0.1074%)

Deposits in USD:
Deposits for > 1 day and ≤ 1 month: 1.6483% → 1.5527%  (- 0.0956%)
Deposits for > 1 month and ≤ 3 months:  3.4674% → 3.2423%  (- 0.2251%)
Deposits for > 3 months and ≤ 6 months:  3.3558% → 3.5073%  (+ 0.1515%)
Deposits for > 6 months and ≤ 12 months:  3.5634% → 3.6739%  (+ 0.1105%)
Deposits for > 1 year and ≤ 2 years:  3.8114% → 4.3242%  (+ 0.5128%)
Deposits for > 2 years:  5.1685% → 3.4149%  (- 1.7536%)

In terms of volume, the largest single category of new time deposits in September was BGN-denominated deposits by non-financial corporations of maturity > 1 day and ≤ 1 month, which totaled 431,740,000 BGN (€ 221,000,000) during the month.  The second largest single category was BGN-denominated deposits by households and NPISH of maturity > 6 months and ≤ 12 months, which totaled 343,514,000 BGN (€ 176,000,000).  The third largest category was EUR-denominated deposits by households and NPISH of maturity > 6 months and ≤ 12 months, which totaled (tabulated in BGN) an equivalent of 293,831,000 BGN (€ 150,000,000).


Mark Pleas (contact)
Eastern Europe Banking & Deposits Consultant