Saturday, July 13, 2013

Turkey – Survey shows banks view credit standards as loosening due to competition but expect loosening to stop; Banks kick off annual holiday loan campaigns for Ramadan; Fibabanka boosts share capital and opens a new branch in Üsküdar

On 12 July 2013 the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası – TCMB) published the results of its June survey of banks regarding the state of the loan market in Turkey.  The quarterly survey is sent to the 15 banks having the highest market share in loans (1 public bank, 9 private banks, 5 foreign banks), which together account for an estimated 80% of the loans in the banking sector.  Those polled are asked their opinion of the loan market over the preceding 3 months and, in some cases, their expectations for the following 3 months.

Among the more noteworthy changes from the previous survey in March 2013 were the following:

Loans to enterprises: Credit standards:

Past 3 months: Those who viewed credit standards for long-term loans to enterprises as having “eased somewhat” over the preceding 3 months increased from 1% in March to 16% in June.

Next 3 months: In loans to large enterprises, those expecting credit standards for such loans to “tighten somewhat” over the next 3 months increased from 0% in March to 21% in June.

Loans to enterprises: Factors affecting credit standards:

Past 3 months: Respondents who viewed competition from other banks as having “contributed somewhat” to an easing of credit standards over the past three months increased from 15% in March to 31% in June.

Loans to enterprises: Demand for loans and credit lines

Past 3 months: In long-term loans, those who viewed the demand for such loans as “basically unchanged” over the preceding 3 months decreased from 69% in March to 24% in June, while those who saw the demand as “increased somewhat” increased from 31% to 72%.

Next 3 months: For short-term loans, the proportion of respondents foreseeing the demand for such loans as “basically unchanged” over the next 3 months increased from 54% in March to 80% in June, while those foreseeing that the demand for short-term loans over the next 3 months would “increase somewhat” fell from 46% to 17%.

Consumer loans: Housing loans: Credit standards:

Past 3 months: Those who saw credit standards for housing loans as “basically unchanged” over the preceding 3 months increased from 80% to 100% (with 14 banks responding), while those seeing credit standards for housing loans as “eased somewhat” fell from 20% to 0%.

Survey for 2Q 2013 – Turkish: Banka Kredileri Eğilim Anketi - 2013
Survey for 2Q 2013 – English: Banks’ Loans Tendency Survey - 2013
Methodological notes: Yöntemsel Açıklama

Holiday loan advertisement by Garanti Bank

At the beginning of July banks in Turkey launched their annual “holiday” (bayram) consumer loan campaigns.  The campaign, which features special interest rates and conditions for consumer loans, is offered during Ramadan (Ramazan) each year.  In 2013 the Ramadan season began on 8 July and will end on 7 August with the feast of Eid ul-Fitr (Ramazan Bayramı).

The interest rates on holiday loans being offered by banks this year are noticeably lower than the rates offered last year, and the cut in rates is thought to be due in large part to the 16 May 2013 decision by the central bank to reduce by 0.5% most of the central bank’s interest rates, i.e., the bank’s policy rate (the one-week repo rate), the overnight lending rate, the overnight borrowing rate, the overnight repo borrowing rate, and the late-liquidity window lending rate.
Holiday loan advertisement by HSBC

This year’s holiday loan offerings show strong competition among the banks, with interest rates being cut to as low as 0.65% per month, loan maturities being offered of even up to 60 months, and the maximum size of loans rising as high as TRY 50,000 (€ 19,561).  (As of 12 July 2013 one euro equaled 2.5561 Turkish lire (TRY) and one US dollar equaled 1.9591 TRY.)

News article: Bankalar "Bayram Kredisi" Yarışına Girdi (2013-07-13 13:11)
News article: ING Bank’tan Ramazan’a kampanyası (2013-07-13 11:51)
News article: Hsbc,dosya Masrafsız Bayram Kredisi Kullandıracak (2013-07-12 16:00)
Central bank interest rate decision of 2013-05-16 – Turkish: Faiz Oranlarına İlişkin Basın Duyurusu – 16/05/2013, (2013-31)
Central bank interest rate decision of 2013-05-16 – English: Press Release on Interest Rates – 16/05/2013, (2013-20)
Holiday loan advertisement by Garanti Bank: Yaz Kredisi Reklam Filmi
Holiday loan advertisement by HSBC: HSBC Bayram Kredisi

On 10 July 2013 the Istanbul Stock Exchange (Borsa İstanbul A.Ş.) published a copy of a document from the commercial bank Fibabanka (Fibabanka A.Ş.) regarding a 28.9% increase in share capital carried out by the bank.

The increase in shares had been announced earlier, on 28 May, but at that time it had erroneously been indicated that the 549,999,997.87 shares held by Fiba Holding A.Ş. constituted 100% of the bank’s capital.  The document published on 10 July demonstrated that Fiba Holding has not yet become the bank’s sole shareholder, as nthere still remain 4 other shareholders with minuscule holdings:

Fibabanka shareholders before and after capital increase

The decision to increase the bank’s share capital was made by the bank’s Board of Directors on 25 February 2013.  The document shows that after the capital increase Fiba Holding owns 99.99999961% of Fibabanka, and four other companies of the Fiba Group hold the remaining 0.00000039% of the bank’s shares.  Of these four companies the only one that does not have “Fiba” in its name is Girişim Varlık Yönetimi A.Ş. (Girişim Asset Management), which is in fact 99.99% owned by Fiba Holding A.Ş.  Girişim Varlık Yönetimi is involved primarily in the purchase of NPLs from banks and the collecting of these overdue loans.

As for Fiba Holding, it is held 92.67% by Mr. Hüsnü Mustafa Özyeğin, making him also 92.67% owner of Fibabanka.  The 2011 annual report of Credit Europe Bank NV, a bank in Amsterdam owned by the Fiba Group, provided the following information on Mr. Özyeğin:

Hüsnü M. Özyeğin (1944)
Vice Chairman
Graduated from Robert College, Turkey and received a BSc in civil engineering from Oregon State University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. He held positions in Turkey at Pamukbank (1977-1984) and Yapi Kredi Bank (1984-1987) before founding Finansbank in 1987. He was Chairman of Finansbank between 1987 and 2010 and is the majority shareholder and Chairman of FIBA Holding AS, the controlling shareholder of Credit Europe Bank NV. He is Board Member of a number of Credit Europe Bank subsidiaries and Fiba Group companies. Additionally, Mr. Özyeğin is involved in numerous charitable activities as Chairman of the Hüsnü M. Özyeğin Foundation, Board Member of the Mother and Child Education Foundation, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Özyeğin University and member of the Board of Dean’s Advisors of Harvard Business School. Mr. Özyeğin, who is a Turkish national, was appointed to the Supervisory Board in 1994.

As for the Fiba Group itself, Credit Europe Bank’s annual report for 2009 summarized the group’s activities at that time as follows:

The Fiba Group was founded in 1987 by Hüsnü M. Özyeğin. It controls an investment portfolio of high-value brand names in both financial and non-financial lines of business. The Fiba Group investments in the financial services industry are in banking, leasing, factoring, insurance, NPL management and private equity (funds). Its non-financial investments are in retailing (e.g. GAP, Banana Republic, Marks & Spencer in Russia, Ukraine and Turkey), real estate (e.g. Bucuresti Mall and Plaza Romania in Romania, and other shopping malls in Turkey and China), wind energy, tourism (Swissotel the Bosphorus, Istanbul) ship building and port management (e.g. Kumport, one of the largest container ports in Turkey).

Fibabanka owner Hüsnü M. Özyeğin

As of 31 March the bank ranked 21st for total assets (toplam aktifler) out of 45 banks in Turkey, with TRY 4,509.42 mln (€ 1.943 bln) in total assets, or a market share of 0.33% in assets.  (As of 31 March the largest 7 banks had a combined market share of 75.42% in assets.)  In total deposits (toplam mevduat) the bank ranked 18th out of 45, with total deposits of TRY 3,096.38 mln, or a 0.39% market share in deposits.  (The largest 7 banks had a combined market share of 46.38% in deposits.)  In number of employees (personel sayisi (adet)) the bank ranked 20th out of 45, with 734 employees, or 0.39% of the total 118,748 bank employees in Turkey as of 31 March 2013.  (The top 7 banks accounted for 66.23% of all bank employees in the country.)

In 1Q 2013 the bank had a net profit of TRY 10.16 mln (€ 4.38 mln), or 1.49% of the total banking sector profits of TRY 6,824.87 mln (€ 2.940 bln) earned by the 45 banks in 1Q 2013.  In that quarter the top seven banks earned 81.70% of the profits in the banking sector. (The top seven banks as of 31 March, by assets, were İşbank (13.4% market share in assets), Ziraat Bank (12.5%), Garanti Bank (12.4%), Akbank (11.6%), Yapı Kredi Bank (9.4%), Halkbank (8.3%), and VakıfBank (7.9%).)

In other news, on 11 July the bank announced that it had opened a new branch in the center of Üsküdar, a municipality of İstanbul located on the southeast shore of the Bosphorus.  The branch is located at 80 Hakimiyeti Milliye Caddesi in the Aziz Mahmut Hüdayi quarter of Üsküdar.

Istanbul Stock Exchange announcement: Fibabanka A.Ş. nin sermaye artırımı (2013-07-09 18:33:02)
Fibabanka announcement of capital increase carried out in May 2013: FİBABANKA A.Ş.: ŞGBF-Ortaklık Yapısı (2013-05-28 16:12:31)
Istanbul Stock Exchange data page for Fibabanka: Fibabanka A.Ş. [FBBNK]
Fibabanka shareholder structure from Fibabanka website: Ortaklık Yapısı
Fibabanka financial statements for 1Q 2013: 2013 Yılı Mart Ayı Faaliyet Raporu (2013-05-06 14:48:47)
Credit Europe Bank NV: Annual Report 2011
Credit Europe Bank NV: Annual Report 2009
Ranking of banks in Turkey by assets as of 31 March 2013: Aktif Büyüklüklerine Göre Banka Sıralaması - 2013 - Mart
Article on Hüsnü Özyeğin from Famous Entrepreneurs: Hüsnü Özyeğin
Fibabanka: Announcement of opening of Üsküdar branch: FİBABANKA A.Ş. / FBBNK: Özel Durum Açıklaması (Genel) (2013-07-11 10:02:41)