Sunday, March 24, 2013

Slovenia – Central bank issues press release stating that Slovenia’s situation is in no way comparable to that of Cyprus; IMF mission completes visit and issues concluding statement, judging that recapitalization of banks is necessary because of rising ratio of NPLs; Government buys out major shareholders of troubled bank NLB

On 18 March the nation’s central bank, the Bank of Slovenia (Banka Slovenije), issued a press release stating that the situation of Slovenia is not comparable to that of Cyprus.

In the press release – issued only in Slovenian and not in English – the Bank of Slovenia points out that in Cyprus the ratio of total banking system assets to GDP is 800%, but was just 135% in Slovenia at the end of 2012.

The Bank goes on to state that while the problems of the Cypriot banking system arose due to low tax rates for foreign investors, which attracted many deposits from abroad, deposits by foreign non-financial corporations in Slovenian banks account for just 1% of the liabilities of Slovenian banks, and, unlike the situation in Cyprus, non-residents comprise just a token share of depositors in Slovenian banks.


The press release helpfully provides hypertext links to the very tables and data series that demonstrate the points given in the last paragraph above.  But if one follows the links and examines the latest statistics carefully (Jan. 2013) one notes that while it is true that “deposits of foreign non-financial corporations” in Slovenian monetary financial institutions (excluding the central bank itself) come to just 129 mln EUR and that “total liabilities” (deposits + debt securities) of all MFIs (excluding the central bank) come to 41,222 mln EUR, if one widens the numerator to include all deposits by foreign parties and narrows the denominator to include only deposits (and not debt securities, i.e., bonds), then one sees that no less than 22.3% of the 38.8 bln EUR of deposits in the Slovenian commercial bank system are owed to foreign parties, meaning that Slovenia is indeed vulnerable to a bank run by foreign depositors.

The following data are drawn from the Bank’s monthly statistical bulletin for February, specifically from Table 1.6, which covers “Selected Liabilities of Other Monetary Financial Institutions by Sector” (Izbrane obveznosti drugih monetarnih finančnih institucij - sektorska členitev).  (NB: “Monetary Financial Institutions” (MFIs) is an EU statistical category that includes each country’s central bank, while “Other Monetary Financial Institutions” refers to all MFIs except for the central bank.)

Total liabilities of Other MFIs to foreign non-financial corporations: Deposits: 129 mln EUR
Total liabilities of Other MFIs: 41,222 mln EUR

Total liabilities of Other MFIs to foreign sectors: Deposits: 8,658 mln EUR
Total liabilities of Other MFIs to domestic sectors:  Deposits: 30,113 mln EUR

The statistics indicate that of the 8,658 mln EUR in deposits by foreign parties, a total of 5,486 mln EUR are deposits by foreign MFIs in “domestic currency” (i.e., EUR) with an agreed maturity that counts as “long-term”.

The press release concludes with a detailed explanation of how Slovenia’s deposit insurance system guarantees all deposits by individuals up to € 100,000.

Statistical bulletin for February 2013 (Slovenian): Bilten, februar 2013 (see Table 1.6)
Statistical bulletin for February 2013 (English): Monthly bulletin February 2013 (see Table 1.6)

Also on 18 March, a staff mission of the International Monetary Fund completed a visit to Slovenia and issued a concluding statement in Ljubljana.  Because a considerable portion of the statement deals with Slovenia’s banking sector, the entire statement is reproduced below verbatim.  (Emphasis as per original).

A negative loop between financial distress, fiscal consolidation, and weak corporate balance sheets is prolonging the recession. Prompt policy actions are necessary to break this loop and restart the economy. Repairing the financial sector and improving corporate balance sheets is of the essence. The Bank Asset Management Company is an effective way to clean bank balance sheets. Banks should be quickly recapitalized. A clear and coherent plan is key to access international capital markets quickly. Fiscal consolidation should continue to reduce the structural deficit, while letting the automatic stabilizers work. Recent labor market and pension reforms are steps in the right direction.

1. A negative loop between financial distress, fiscal consolidation, and weak corporate balance sheets is prolonging the recession. Real GDP declined by 2.3 percent in 2012 as domestic demand shrank severely. The mission expects the economy to contract further by about 2 percent in 2013 and projects growth to turn positive in 2014, but this is predicated upon implementation of reforms and continued market access as well as a recovery in the euro area. Against this background, the risks are mainly on the downside.

2. Prompt policy actions are necessary to break the negative loop, to restore confidence, and to address structural weaknesses. In recent months, Slovenia has already implemented important labor market and pension system reforms. The Bank Asset Management Company (BAMC) and the sovereign state holding company have been created. Building on this framework, the new government should promptly address bank restructuring, corporate sector debt overhang and governance, and involvement of the state in the economy. A coherent and credible plan to address these issues is essential to restore confidence and access markets.

Financial and Corporate Sector: Breaking the negative loops

3. Banks are under severe distress. The share of nonperforming claims in total classified claims increased from 11.2 percent at the end of 2011 to 14.4 percent in 2012. The three largest banks saw their ratio increase from 15.6 percent to 20.5 percent in the same period with about of their corporate loans non-performing. Meanwhile these banks have repaid the bulk of their debt with foreign private creditors, while increasing reliance on the ECB.

4. Slovenia has made progress in setting up the BAMC, which is an effective way to clean up the balance sheet of troubled banks, while at the same time helping restructure the highly indebted corporate sector. This process should be carried out with the utmost transparency, avoiding any moral hazard arising from the close relationship between banks, corporates, and the public sector. For this reason, the mission sees favorably the appointment of international technical experts as non-executive members of the board of the BAMC.

5. Banks need to be substantially recapitalized. Despite some past recapitalization, the deteriorating loan portfolio continues to erode bank capital. The transfer of assets to the BAMC is not a substitute for the need to increase capital (in cash) and actually could trigger upfront recapitalization. The recapitalization needs for the three largest banks is estimated at around €1 billion in 2013, also identified by the supervisor. Deteriorating economic conditions could increase the need for capital in outer years.

6. Corporate sector balance sheets are under significant stress. The debt to equity ratio is among the highest in Europe. Cross ownership between large industrial groups, financial holding companies and banks, and lengthy bankruptcy procedures exacerbate the underlying problem of debt overhang.

7. Addressing corporate debt overhang is key to alleviate the financial sector distress, and ultimately spur growth. The restructuring process will benefit from an enhanced bankruptcy regime and out-of-court settlement arrangements, areas where the IMF could provide technical assistance. For companies under severe financial distress, the BAMC has tools to convert corporate debt into equity. For other companies, the mission welcomes the initiatives undertaken by the Bank of Slovenia to facilitate debt restructuring. Viable publicly-owned undercapitalized companies should be recapitalized by the state or attract private capital. However, the mission cautions the authorities against taking actions on debt restructuring or recapitalization that can lead to ineffective use of public funds. Finally, Slovenia has to address corporate governance weaknesses. A Report of Standards and Codes on Corporate Governance by the World Bank and the OECD could help in this respect.

8. Slovenia needs to open up to foreign direct investment. Misconceived defense of ‘national interests,’ including the reluctance to sell assets to foreigners, burdens the budget and unduly prolongs the corporate and financial sector distress. A prominent privatization could convey a powerful signal to international investors.

Fiscal: Continuing a gradual structural adjustment

9. The frontloaded, expenditure-based, fiscal consolidation strategy remains broadly on track in 2013. The reduction in public sector wages and in transfers to households is projected to translate into sizeable expenditure savings this year, while the bulk of the impact of the pension reform will be felt over the medium term. However, the deepening of the recession, and in particular the decline in domestic demand, is projected to significantly reduce revenues, raising the deficit (excluding bank recapitalization costs) to about € 1½ billion in 2013.

10. Given the severity of the economic downturn, allowing full operation of automatic stabilizers is appropriate, and hence corrective measures are not warranted. Fiscal consolidation should continue over the medium term at its current pace of about 1 percent per year in structural terms, in order to gradually bring the budget close to balance and keep the public debt dynamics under control. The structure of public expenditure should be improved, especially in the area of social spending, as reliance on one-off measures like wage cuts is not desirable and is probably not sustainable.

11. Financing needs are large for 2013. Financing requirements are particularly pronounced in summer, with bank recapitalization needed soon and a large 18-month T-bill coming due in June. In all, financing needs for the remainder of the year (excluding the bonds to be issued by the BAMC) could reach some € 3 billion, and possibly more depending on bank recapitalization needs. A large part of this financing need should be met via external borrowing, given banks’ inability to absorb large amounts of government paper, but also to improve the maturity structure of government debt and reduce rollover risk. This highlights the importance of safeguarding market access in the near term.

Structural reforms: Important step forwards

12. Recent labor market and pension reforms are steps in the right direction. Labor market reform somewhat reduces the rigidity of permanent labor contracts and simplifies administrative procedures. With this reform, Slovenia’s employment protection index as measured by OECD will reach the OECD average. In parallel, the rules on fixed-term contracts were tightened to limit the segmentation of the labor market and encourage the use of permanent contracts. An important area not touched by the current reform is the student work program. For entry level positions companies prefer hiring student workers, which leads to increased unemployment among young graduates and extended study periods. Pension reform raises the effective retirement age, which along with other parametric and regulatory changes, will lead to a stabilization of pension expenditures as a share of GDP by 2020, but a new reform will be necessary in a few years. Both reforms are positive steps that are gradual rather than radical. Moreover, the changes have been thoroughly negotiated with social partners and were passed with near-unanimous support in the parliament, creating a stable and strong basis for further efforts.

We thank the authorities for open discussions, excellent cooperation, and warm hospitality.


In earlier news, in mid-March the Slovenian government completed its planned buyout of two remaining large shareholders of the troubled bank NLB (Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d. Ljubljana), Slovenia’s largest bank with a market share of 24.9% by total assets at end-2012.

Firstly on 14 March the bank announced that on 11 March the Republic of Slovenia had bought 2,765,282 shares of NLB stock from Slovenia’s national compensation fund (Slovenska odškodninska družba, d.d.).

Then on 18 March the bank announced that on 11 March the government had purchased all 2,765,282 shares of NLB stock belonging to the Belgian banking group KBC Bank N.V.  KBC, which owned 21.65% of NLB voting shares, was obliged to divest itself of the shares as part of the restructuring plan that KBC entered into with the European Commission in November 2009, which stipulated, “KBC will cease its activities in Serbia (market share of KBC 1%), Russia (1%), Romania ... and Slovenia ...”

Finally, on 22 March the bank announced that on 15 March the Slovenian government had acquired an additional 8,707,483 shares of NLB stock from the national compensation fund.  As a result of this final transaction the government now holds 16,518,507 shares of NLB stock, giving it voting rights of 76.91%.

Market share at end-2012: Profil NLB Skupine 4. četrtletje 2012

Mark Pleas
Eastern Europe Banking & Deposits Consultant