Monday, January 21, 2013

Azerbaijan – Bank Respublika announces net income of € 9.5 mln for 2012, Parabank issues € 5.7 mln in unsecured bonds

On 21 January the commercial bank Bank Respublika (“Bank Respublika” ASC) released basic information on its results for 4Q 2012.  Among the highlights, the bank’s total assets on 31 December 2012 reached 430,841,000 AZN (€ 415 mln), up 11.9% from the end of the previous quarter and up 37.7% from the beginning of the year.  (1 EUR equaled 1.0388 AZN on 31 Dec. 2012.)  During the year the bank’s total loan portfolio grew by 35.6%, ending the year at 234.7 mln AZN (€ 226 mln).  Net income for the year, after taxes, was 9.844 mln AZN (€ 9.48 mln).  (N.B.: The consumer price index in Azerbaijan rose just 1.1% in 2012.)

In earlier news, on 18 January, after application by the underwriter Chelsea Capital (“Çelsi Kapital” MMC), the Baku Stock Exchange began listing on its non-quotation list a new issue of 5-year bonds by Parabank (“Parabank” ASC).  The new bond issue consists of 6,000 bonds with a par value of 1,000 AZN (€ 957) each, for a total value of 6 mln AZN.  The interest rate for the unsecured bonds is set at 15%, to be paid quarterly.  The prospectus for the bonds was approved on 17 December 2012 by the State Committee for Securities (Qiymətli Kağızlar üzrə Dövlət Komitəsi – QKDK) and received the issue number AZ2004003805, and the approved prospectus was published on the website of the Baku Stock Exchange on 24 December 2012.

Bank Respublika: Simplified balance sheet for 4Q 2012: Balans hesabatı (2013-01-18)
Bank Respublika: Simplified income statement for 4Q 2012: Mənfəət və zərərə dair hesabat (2013-01-18)
Parabank: Baku Stock Exchange press release: “Parabank” ASC -nin istiqrazlarının yerləşdirilməsi (2013-01-18)
Parabank: Prospectus: «Parabank» ASC istiqrazların emissiya prospekti (2012-12-24)

Mark Pleas
Eastern Europe Banking & Deposits Consultant