On 14 October the National Bank of Serbia (Народна
банка Србије) published a 3-page public announcement. Issued in preparation for World Savings Day,
which has been celebrated annually on 31 October since 1924, the announcement
follows on a similar notice published by the central bank for World Savings Day
in 2012.
The statement, issued by the governor’s cabinet (Кабинет
гувернера) of the central bank, has a title in Serbian that is virtually identical
to that of the statement issued a year earlier, but the statement is more than
four times as long as its predecessor.
announcement – Serbian: Народна
банка очекује да банке уочи предстојећег Светског дана штедње понуде каматне
стопе које неће нарушити стабилност финансијског система (2013-10-14)
announcement – English: Ahead
of World Savings Day NBS Appeals to Banks to Offer Reasonable Interest Rates
that will not Threaten Financial System Stability (2013-10-14)
announcement – Serbian: Народна
банка очекује да банке у Недељи штедње понуде каматне стопе које неће нарушити
стабилност финансијског система (2012-10-08)
announcement – English: NBS
Expects Interest Rates during Savings Week not to Threaten Financial Stability